Working together for sustainability and transparency in the supply chain

    26 August 2024

Our mission at The Floral Connection is to make a significant impact in achieving challenging goals within our sector, together with supply chain partners, growers, customers and employees. We believe in making the entire chain more transparent and sustainable. Together, we can make a real impact. Our DFG sustainability strategy, IMPACT25, supports us in this effort. IMPACT 25 is based on three pillars; In the chain, for the people and for the planet. For each pillar, we have our commitment, our ambition and concrete initiatives towards 2025. In the second half of this year, Dutch Flower Group will present the next steps with our new sustainability strategy IMPACT2030.

Our impact with Fairtrade flowers

We’re happy to share that (as one of the DFG companies) we again generated an impressive amount of Fairtrade Premium in 2023 through our retail customers. Fairtrade Premium is an extra sum of money, producer organisations earn and democratically decide to invest in community or business projects. Hans van Ree, managing director: “We are proud that many of our customers choose Fairtrade flowers, allowing us to contribute to the local communities.”

Fairtrade’s Quote:Fairtrade is grateful to our valued partner The Floral Connection”. Fairtrade flower farms receive a Fairtrade Premium for every stem sold, which workers have invested in healthcare, education and other social benefits. In 2023, The Floral Connection generated € 2.7 million Fairtrade Premium for flower farm workers and their communities. Buying Fairtrade flowers means flower farm workers, many of whom are women, have opportunities for sustainable livelihoods.”

Some more Facts and Figures re. our three sustainability pillars

For the People

  • Results Fairtrade: In 2023, we generated 2.7 million euros in Fairtrade Premium, of which 35% allocated towards school fees.
  • Through our Dutch Flower Foundation (link–> Dutch Flower Foundation), we are committed to international charities and work as partners with various other initiatives. In 2023, Dutch Flower Foundation donated to 58 projects. The foundation is funded by the companies from Dutch Flower Group.

For a transparent floral chain

  • We are certified: Fairtrade, OHAS, GLOBALG.A.P. Chain of Custody and Smeta.
  • Starting 2025, we will begin our CSRD* reporting.
  • We are well-prepared for CSDDD*.

For our Planet

  • Committed to the Science Based Targets Initiave (near-term, well-below 1.5°C).
  • Strong and extensive experience in seafreight.
  • Ability to create LCA’s according to the FloriPEFCR.
  • Measuring our scope 1, 2 and internal scope 3 since 2019.
  • We use 100% green electricity via our solar panels and wind energy.

*The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) mandates detailed sustainability reporting for EU companies, which improves transparency on environmental and social impact. The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) requires companies to identify, prevent, and mitigate adverse human rights and environmental impacts in their operations and supply chains.

More information: [email protected]

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